Welcome to our Community Garden
Located at Mowbray Place, Willoughby, Market Garden Park (MGP) Community Garden is on Cammeraygal land. With the support of Willoughby Council, it is run and maintained by members of the Community Garden Inc who volunteer their time and are committed to sustainable, organic and bush-friendly fruit and vegetable gardening.
We see ourselves as part of movement with goals and a vision to foster health and well-being for individuals, family groups and the environment.
*minimal importing of resources
*re-use existing materials where possible
*where possible, re-use waste generated on site
*no artificial pesticides or herbicides
*use of non-hybrid plant seeds
*naturally generated fertilisers
*prevent weed infestation without harming wildlife
*provide habitat for native fauna
*contain nutrients within beds
Featuring seasonal produce, community working bees, workshops, gardening advice and more,
we feel sure you will enjoy the community garden as much as we do
Regular meetings are held every Wed and Saturday mornings, 9.30am @ Mowbray Place, Willoughby, NSW, 2068
Membership is $25 per year plus joining fee of $1
Discover more about our community garden
Why I Love My Patch
This lovely piece was written by one of our gardeners, Bernee Lee, as her wonderful creative entry in the ‘Why I Love My Patch’ 2025 Grow It Local Awards. It’s worthy of being shared more widely. ” They say you reap what you sow – but I never expected to …
Eggplant Ragu with Capers and Burrata
This January long thin eggplants at our garden are putting on a great show to start the year abundantly .. here’s a yummy dish that one of our gardening members, Marcus, has enjoyed from his share of the harvest. Ingredients: 6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil; large yellow onion, thinly …
Garden Update, Oct/Nov/Dec 2024
Here’s a peek at some of what’s going on at MGP Community Garden this summer. The garden is currently keeping us busy .. it is receiving lots of admiration (and giving lots of pleasure) to passers-by as well as to our gardeners. It’s especially fun to see families introducing their …
Cucumber bonanza, Summer 2024
Cucumbers this summer have been (and still are) prolific and delicious. I don’t remember a crop quite like it at the community garden. Not just at MGP Community Garden. I’ve been hearing how good the cucs are this year from many a local gardener. Tender freshly picked cucs are a …