I am Ally and this week Nee asked me if I would like to write the Saturday morning garden report. I happily accepted to do so!
This Saturday ( 26/6/2021) I learnt so much and we got quite a bit done. I also got to meet Le-Anne and Rufina for the first time which was very nice. We worked with Nee and Maggie on some new beds.
I first turned some dirt where we were planning to make 4 new beds. After turning the dirt, we started to dig some trenches to establish the individual beds, which is something that I have never done before. The most challenging part for me was carrying the bags of manure and lifting dirt with the spade. I certainly think I got a good arm workout!
After the beds were fully prepped, we planted some broccoli and kale seedlings. After this we made 2 more beds and planted some broccolini and beetroot.
It was very satisfying to see how a pile of dirt can be turned into beds.
Please see some photos of what we did today below. There’s a great before and after as well as some action shots.
Thanks so much everyone for helping me today, and especially Nee for teaching me so much!