Sat 1 May 2021 was a beautiful sunny day for MGP Community Garden to participate in the Edible Gardens Trail after the original weekend in March was washed out with rain. It's a transition time in the garden. While we're between seasons, it's great to see crops making a strong start. Three weeks now since the heavens have delivered rain but snap peas have started setting which is exciting.
Some of our gorgeous gardeners are featured here doing their stuff in the garden as well as making Edible Gardens Day happen.

Annette looking after seedlings and seed sales

Broad beans coming along nicely.
Snap Peas
Visible here with Maggie are insect traps for a tomato-potato psyllid, a sap-sucking plant pest. We’re happy to be participating in a research project being conducted by the NSW Department of Agriculture.
Our gardening guru Nee, about to enjoy a well earned snack.