
A Top Crop of Snap Peas

The gem of our early Spring crops must be these amazing snap peas, some of which are actually bursting from the seams. We’ll be seed saving from these absolute beauties.

Spring Breakfast 2020

Great turnout, weather and atmosphere for Spring Breakfast 2020. Loads of seedlings planted to welcome Spring.

Golden Snow Peas

It’s exciting to experiment with unusual varieties in the garden. Our Golden Snow Peas are shining a pretty lemon-yellow, with flat thin pods and a gentle bulge of tiny seeds. These are an heirloom variety of snow pea, and rather rare to see. In the flower stage they flash a …

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Broad Beans

Our broad beans are looking healthy with abundant flowers. We’ve just spotted the first two pods beginning to set and looking forward to more soon.


Tatsoi is an Asian variety of Brassica rapa grown for greens. This plant has become popular in North American cuisine as well, and is now grown throughout the world. There was an abundance of Tatsoi growing in the community garden during autumn 2020. Gardeners were able to enjoy the mustard …

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